whoo.. time for an after-midnight blogging session again.. there you got me in here now LOL.. lately i've been feeling lazy.. and i frequently have headaches.. dunno why, but probably cause of lack of sleep LOL.. pretty sure my head's gonna be a pain in the butt later.. DX.. anyway, went to our old place, and watched our company's team play basketball.. it rained though, so it was stopped.. we did start and killed a few minutes in the first quarter, but mr. luck wasn't our side yet, so we scored 13-6, our team the latter.. we have to work our ass out harder tomorrow.. DX
our team's wearing yellow..
our team's wearing yellow..

that's the committee in charged with the game..

btw, got my bitTorrent working too much.. downloaded maybe 8gb of files just this week.. i noticed my hard disk is pretty messed up, so i sorted and grouped my files.. and luckily, i was able to install again Ragnarok Battle Offline! yey.. actually i just finished playing with my male acolyte XD.. btw, here's a vid for those who doesn't have any idea bout what am i blabbing about..
the game's really cool.. it's like playing super mario and a sword.. together.. LOL.. it has three expansions, but the 2nd jobs didn't make it.. what a bummer.. it's cool still though.. i just wish that there'll be more expansions.. what i like in the game is its loyalty to the original game.. not in terms of their skills or moves,. if you did play Ragnarok Online, then you're familiar with bots and tankers eh? in RBO, their are also tankers and bots, with funny dialogues LOL.. their are even kill stealers, and many more stuffs that you'll see on the original game.. try it! it's a bit hard to install, but you'll pull through.. =']
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